Review – Suicide Squad #3

Review - Suicide Squad #3

Review – Suicide Squad #3

Writer – Robbie Thompson

Penciller – Eduardo Pansica

Inker – Julio Ferreira

Colourer – Marcelo Maiolo

Publisher – DC Comics

Date of Release – 5th May 2021

I’ll admit it, I’m a sucker for a good Suicide Squad story and this is one I have been enjoying so far. The previous issue saw Task Force X breaking Talon out of Arkham Asylum. And now Amanda Waller has her sights set on acquiring a speedster to bolster the Squad.

Because of this, the Story sets itself up for a crossover with the Teen Titans, which I was surprised with so early on, given that we are only on issue 3. But I doubt that writer Robbie Thompson had much say in this matter.


Whilst not as action heavy as the previous issues, writer Thompson provides us with another exciting instalment full of mystery and intrigue. As a result we are left with several questions about what Amanda Waller is up to. What is going on with Talon? Why is Superboy here? And what is Peacemaker’s deal?

Waller herself is still front and centre and Thompson depicts her greatly as the puppet master, manipulating the members of Task Force X to do her bidding and utilising them against each other. Peacemaker remains prominent as the leader of the squad in the absence of Rick Flag and he is portrayed perfectly as completely over the top in his mission for peace. Given that it’s not long until James Gunn unleashes his Suicide Squad unto the cinematic universe, I am looking forward to see how this version of Peacemaker compares to that on the big screen.

Review - The Suicide Squad #3


Let me start off by saying that I am a big fan of this artwork. And Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira & Marcelo Maiolo should be commended for the great work they are delivering with this run. I found the artwork crisp and sharp and the colouring bright and enticing. But it can still be dark and ominous when required.

I have to highlight the two page splash involving Bolt. She moves at superspeed, which is portrayed beautifully with vivid colouring which lights up the pages. Whilst battling Task Force X we can see how well the creative team capture the character’s change of emotion through this brief interchange.


A really good ongoing story which continues to entertain and intrigue on equal levels. Whilst I haven’t enjoyed much of what has been coming out of DC recently, Suicide Squad is a book that I am happy to keep picking up on release. I mentioned earlier about Rick Flag being absent and I am left wondering how Robbie Thompson will address this in future issues. You get the feeling that this is building up to something and hopefully the crossover with the Teen Titans doesn’t derail this.

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Andy MacGregor

Written by 

Born and raised in the Shire of Dumbarton, on the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond. I discovered comics at a young age and then life became instantly better

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